Date: 28/10/22
Dear Member,
The South Western Simmental Club is holding a club meeting on Tuesday November 15th in the Woodlands House Hotel, Adare, Co. Limerick at 8:30pm.
This is a very important meeting as the club will be electing a member to serve on Council.
Agenda for Meeting
· Minutes of the last Meeting
· Matters arising
· Correspondence
· Report from Council
· Summer Shows/Gort report
· Election to Council
The following is the position regarding the South Western Club seat:
The 3 year term of Jennie Aherne ends at our national AGM, Dec 3rd – note Jennie is eligible for re-election
Nominations for the position of Council Member must be received in writing at least 5 clear working days before the meeting date (By Saturday November 10th at 5pm or Friday 9th if by post)
The nomination form must include the names and addresses of the proposer and seconder and a signed statement from the candidate agreeing to act on Council if elected.
Nomination forms must be returned to Ms. Jennie Aherne (Club Secretary) at the address below.
Note: In the case of Joint Memberships the first named is the Vote holder. However notice prior to the meeting to the Club Secretary can change the vote holder and finally Committee agreement on the night prior to the meeting can also clarify voter in the case of Joint Memberships.
Jennie Aherne,
Towerhill House,
Co Limerick.
Tel: (087) 6336461
–Chairperson: Martin Doohan
Jennie Aherne