Young Simmental enthusiasts and breeders from all over the country gathered in the grounds of GVM Mart, Tullamore on Friday evening June 7th for the Young Irish Simmental Association Boot Camp 2013. The event organised by the South Eastern Simmental club aimed to get club members (young and senior) interested and involved in various aspects of breeding, managing, showing and judging pedigree Simmental Cattle. The evening was a huge success with several activities on the evening including grooming, clipping and showing demonstrations along with competitions for both junior and senior categories in stock judging and guess the weight.
The event was also a sponsorship launch evening as FBD Insurance have kindly agreed to come on board in sponsoring our YISA Stock Judging Competition, both Junior and Senior Sections at the Tullamore National Livestock Show as part of the Irish National Simmental Show on August 11th.
Details of the competition along with its €500 prize fund were announced and present at the event on behalf of FBD Insurance was Amanda Brennan, FBD Tullamore Branch. YISA caters for young Simmental members between the ages of 12 to 21 and this competition will challenge what they will have learnt at the summer workshops.

Congratulations also to Ciaran Kinahan from Tubber, Co Offaly young member of the South Eastern Simmental Club and owner of Tully Farm Simmentals who qualified to represent the YISA on the junior team at the UK YMA International Stock judging Competition which will be held at Enniskillen Show, Co. Fermanagh on Wednesday, August 7th. We wish Ciaran and the rest of the team all the very best of luck and encourage anyone to make the journey up to support them, plus see a great show of Simmental cattle.