We are delighted to announce a new National Simmental X Breeding Heifer Championship scheduled for Strokestown Show Saturday September 9th2018
AGE: Born on or after 01/09/16
WEIGHT: Between 400kg – 650kg on the day of the final
Open to maiden or in calf heifers
Two heifers to qualify at each qualifying show
- All entries to show SI or SIX on NID card
- All entries must have Simmental sire recorded on the DAFF database
- All qualifiers will be DNA typed at qualifying shows and DNA must match sire to enter final at Strokestown Show
- Simmental X heifers can only compete in one National class in a calendar year
- Ossory – Sunday 22nd July
- Grange – Saturday 4th August
- Clonmany – Tuesday 7th August
- Cappamore – Saturday 18th August
- Virginia – Wednesday 22nd August
1st €250 2nd €200 3rd €150 4th €100
All heifers that qualify and attend the final will also receive €50