€16,200 Tops Simmental Spring Premier Sale

Once again Roscommon was the venue for the Simmental Spring Premier Show & Sale which took place on Saturday March 25th.

Printable Premier Sale Report PDF here

Commencing in the morning with a very strong show under the watchful eye of the judge, `Mr. Jonny Hazelton’ from the Ranfurly Herd in Dungannon, Co. Tyrone.  All exhibitors eagerly awaiting the afternoons sale and it did not disappoint.
Senior Champion Bull – Coose Nebraska P €16,200
Headlining the sale was `Coose Nebraska P’ the Senior Champion bull exhibited by John Tuohy, Whitegate, Co. Galway. After a bidding battle under the stewardship of Auctioneer Tom Cox, €16,200 was the winning bid and top price of the day. This August 2021 born bull is out of a homebred sire Coose Lincoln ET and out of a homebred Curaheen Evolution P dam Coose Lauren P. Securing this bull was M & R Durno & sons from Banffshire, Scotland where he will join the Auchorachan Herd.
Michael Durno purchased this 19 month-old bull online via the LSL platform. Commenting afterwards Michael indicated that he was “extremely pleased at having secured the bull”.  Michael says that “he ticks all the boxes and has a great pedigree and has the added advantage in the fact that he is heterozygous polled”.
Junior Champion Bull –  Bighill Parker ET €8,400
Exhibiting the Junior Champion was Fergal Doherty from Carrigart, Co. Donegal with his 13-month-old bull Bighill Parker ET. Sired by Curaheen Warrior this young bull was out of the Delfur Decider sired homebred dam Bighill Honey Pie. Parker ET was sold for the second highest price of the day at €8400 and will join the Islavale Herd in Keith, Scotland run by the Stronach Family.
Glanville Phoenix P €5,500
Next up at €5500 was Glanville Phoenix P, a Sneumgaard Imperator PP sired bull who is out of an Anatrim Bodybuilder dam Fearna Glamour ET. This 12-month-old bull was sold by Sean Larkin, Kylebrack, Co. Galway and will join the Manor Park herd of Clive Houdley in Lockerbie, Scotland.

Interestingly, the purchasers of the three top priced animals are no strangers to Roscommon, having purchased many Simmental Stockbulls at the venue and really admire the quality of bulls brought forward for sale by Irish exhibitors.

Reserve Senior Champion Clonagh Nevada Sky €4,600
The Reserve Senior Champion Clonagh Nevada Sky was exhibited by Garrett Behan, Ballyfin, Co. Laois. Sired by the herds senior stockbull Manor Park Hansome this September `21 born bull is out of an Omorga Volvo homebred dam Clonagh Happy ET and sold for €4600.
Reserve Junior Bull Champion Moorglen Panda €3,200
Moorglen Panda stood as the Reserve Junior Bull Champion for exhibitor Shane Silke, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon. Born in February `22 this Tawley Jaguar sired bull is out of Moorglen Latte P, a homebred Cairnview Snazzy dam. €3200 was the selling price of this young bull.

Other notable prices in the bull section included:

·         €4300 for Clonagh Phoenix Fab ET exhibited by Garrett Behan, Ballyfin, Co. Laois. The February `22 born bull is sired by Manor Park Hansome and out of a Banwy T-Rex dam Clonagh Delightfully Fab.
·         €4000 to Gerry Neenan, Ballyhaunis, Co. Mayo for his Glebefarm Tyson sired bull Fearna Nobleman ET who was born in August `21 and is out of a Raceview King dam Fearna Vienna.
·         €4000 for Rathnashan Norton ET exhibited by Nigel Hogan, Bennekerry, Co. Carlow. Sired by Mullyknock Gallant this October `21 born bull is out of a Tiset Darwin dam Curaheen Gilda P ET.

€4000 to Paddy & Elaine Hennelly, Co. Sligo for Seepa Paco. This 12-month-old bull is sired by Hillcrest Champion and out of Seepa Gem who in turn is sired by Bel Dhu Capercaillie.

In summary the bull trade was very positive with a noticeable trend being the fact the Irish Suckler Farmers are now looking at Simmental for their strong terminal as well as the maternal traits. Many farmers who breed Simmental replacements see weight gain and early slaughter age as key advantages to the breed. The sale recorded a 60% clearance in the bull section with an average price of €4209.

In the heifer section

Donegal Breeder Roger Gibbons stole the Show exhibiting both the Champion and Reserve of the day.
Standing at Overall Heifer Champion was Gortin Nepeta P a September `21 born heifer. Sired by Curaheen Gunshot P and out of Gortin Jennie a homebred Curaheen Dickens sired dam.

The Gibbons family who are based in Lifford sold this stylish heifer for €3200.
Selling at €3000 was the Reserve Champion Gortin Nigella P also for the Gibbons Family. Again, sired by Curaheen Gunshot P this November `21 born heifer is out of a Clonagh Direct Debit Dam Bayview Grace.

Other notable female prices included:

€3100 for Sunbrae Nora exhibited by Ian Clarke, Rosses Point, Co. Sligo. Sired by Kilbride Farm Escalop this August `21 heifer is out of a Clonagh Direct Debit dam Sunbrae Hilary

€3000 to John Joe Carroll, Castlerea Co. Roscommon for Fairymount Nebraska, a January `21 born heifer sired by Fairymount Lexus and out of a Curaheen Earp dam Fairymount Kiki.

€2800 for Eskerhill Naughty Betsy a Limehill Lieutenant sired heifer exhibited by Eddie Cronin, Balla, Co. Mayo. This September `21 born heifer is out of a Clonagh Frosty King dam Eskerhill Kalmia.

€2800 to Mary O`Halloran, Chamberlainstown, Co. Tipperary for Bearna-Dhearg Pretty Lilly a Tisaran Kristofferson ET sired heifer out of Knockane Lilly Filly by Knockane Jupiter.

The heifer section showed an 86% clearance with an average price of €2700.

The next Simmental Sale will take place at Tullamore Mart on Friday evening April 28th .

More photos to follow on facebook courtesy of Mc Elroy Photography in the coming days.

Printable Premier Sale Report PDF here