Average Prices & Clearance Rates up at Simmental Premier Show & Sale
The Simmental Premier Show & Sale at Roscommon on Saturday March 14th recorded increases in both average price and clearance rates on 2014. The average price for bulls at €3560 was up over €700 on 2014 with 15 bulls selling for €3000 or greater.

The Senior Bull Champion ‘Jennalyn Elite Tiger’ exhibited by Lyndsey Behan, Ballyfin, Portlaoise topped the sale at €8200. Judging was Gerald Smith from the Drumsleed Herd in Aberdeenshire, Scotland and he tapped forward this December `13 born Clonagh Tiger Gallant sired bull as his Senior Champion from a very strong class of bulls. Gordan McFarland from Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone was the purchaser of Elite Tiger who’s dam Jennalyn Adaline is a Banwy T-Rex sired cow.

Derek Costello from Killineer, Drogheda exhibited the Junior Champion Bull Barnattin Felix. This Curaheen Vio sired bull was out of Barnattin Winnie a Raceview Tiger Karla cow. This 13 month old bull was purchased by the Judge Gerald Smith at €4500.

The Reserve Senior Champion went to William O`Riordan, Rathcormac, Co. Cork with Bridgemount Eric. This September `13 born bull is sired by Curaheen Tyson and is out of a Samark Superman dam Bridgemount Allegro. This bull joins the Glenanaar Pedigree Herd of John E Toye from Manorcunningham, Co. Donegal at €4200.

Joe Kelly from Ballynacally, Ennis, Co. Clare purchased the Reserve Junior Champion Shiloh Freddy who was exhibited by Hugh Murray, Parkwood, Moate, Co. Westmeath. €4400 was the selling price of this 12 month old bull who was sired by Seabank Flint and out of a Hillcrest Butcher dam Dermody Tess.

At €7500 Raceview Elton KK Et was the second highest priced bull. Exhibited by Peter & Marion O`Connell, Mallow, Co. Cork this October `13 born bull is sired by Raceview King and out of the Ballingar Franco dam Ballingar Kim. A full brother to Raceview All-Star KK, Elton KK was purchased by an undisclosed export customer.

The third highest price of the day at €7300 was paid for one of the youngest bulls in the catalogue Rabawn Flame exhibited by John Brady from Swinford, Co. Mayo. This bull at just 12 months of age was purchased jointly by Eamon McCloskey, Drumagarner Herd, Kilrea, Co. Derry & Nevin Smyth, Edenbann Herd, Garvagh, Co Derry and is sired by Cairnview Snazzy and out of a Hillcrest King cow Rabawn Angel.

Selling at €5200 was Lot 4 in the catalogue, Clonagh Ewake, exhibited by Garrett Behan, Ballyfin, Portlaoise. Sired by Curaheen Wakeman and out of a Raceview King dam Corlesmore Willow this September `13 born bull was purchased by Stephen Malcomson from Castlewellen, Co. Down.
Other notable prices included:

In the female section a smaller than usual entry resulted in a clearance rate of 90% with an average price of €2250 which was up on the corresponding sale last year.
The Champion and Reserve Champion female both went to Garrett Behan, Ballyfin, Portlaoise. The Champion Clonagh Ebony Joan is sired by Omorga Murray and out of a Banwy T-Rex dam Clonagh Angelina. This November `13 born heifer was purchased by Gerald Smith at €3600.

The Reserve Champion Clonagh Fancy Pants at just under 12 months of age was purchased by Eamon Greene, Mullinahone, Co. Tipperary for €3800. This Banwy T-Rex sired heifer was out of a Ballybane Nip dam Cloneygowan Vera.

Selling at €2900 was Broomfield Funshine a heifer exhibited by Paul McArdle, Castleblaney, Co. Monaghan. Sam Farrell, Lisbellaw, Co. Fermanagh purchased this January `14 born heifer who is sired by Cairnview Snazzy and out of a Raceview King dam Brookwood Sunshine.

Hitting the €2800 mark was Mohona Eris another October ’13 born heifer exhibited by Gordan Salter, Dunmanway, Co. Cork. This Omorga Volvo sired heifer who is out of an Kilbride Farm Newry dam Mohona Anabelle was purchased by Tommy Connolly, Carrigallen, Co. Leitrim.

The final results in the female section showed a clearance rate of 90% with an average price of €2250 which was also up on the corresponding sale last year.
The next Simmental Sale will take place at Tullamore on Saturday April 18th.