National Show Classes 2018


Tullamore Show – Sunday, August 12th

  • Simmental Heifer calf born on or after 01-02-2018
  • Simmental Heifer calf born on or between 01-12-2017 & 31/01/2018
  • National Weanling Heifer born on or between 01-10-17 & 30-11-17
  • National Yearling Heifer Born on or between 01-08-17 & 31-09-17
  • National Junior Simmental Heifer born on or between 01/12/16 & 31/07/17
  • National Intermediate Heifer born on or between 01/08/16 & 30/11/16
  • National Senior Simmental Heifer / 1st Calved Heifer born on or between 01/12/15 & 31/07/16
  • National Junior Simmental Cow born on or between 01/09/14 & 30/11/15
  • National Senior Simmental Cow born on or before 31/08/14


  • Simmental Bull calf born on or after 01-02-18
  • Simmental Bull calf born on or between 01-12-2017 & 31/01/2018
  • National Weanling Bull born on or between 01-10-17 & 30-11-17
  • National Yearling Bull born on or between 01-08-17 & 31-09-17
  • National Junior Simmental Bull born on or between 01/08/16 & 31/07/17
  • National Senior Simmental Bull born on or before 31/07/16
  • National Junior Progeny Pair (animals born on or after 01/08/17)


Strokestown Show – Saturday, September 8th

  • National Senior Heifer Calf born on or between 01-12-17 & 31-01-18
  • National Junior Heifer Calf born on or after 01-02-18
  • National Senior Bull Calf born on or between 01-12-17 & 31-01-18
  • National Junior Bull Calf born on or after 01-02-18


Ploughing – Tuesday, September 18th (Screggan, Tullamore)

  • Ploughing Bull born on or between 01/07/2017 & 30/11/2017


National Show Weight Limits

Please note that Council has agreed on a Weight Limit policy for all young cattle at our National Shows. This policy will come into effect for the National Calf Finals in Strokestown this September and will only be advisory at Tullamore Show this year 2018. The details of this policy are set out below:

  1. A maximum Average Daily Gain (ADG) of 1.9kgs/day for bulls & 1.7kgs/day for heifers will be introduced on birth weights of 55 & 50 kgs respectively.
  2. All entrants born after August 2017 at Tullamore Show 2018 must be Compulsory weighed with breeders of animals who exceed these maximums informed that they would not be able to show if the rules were in place.
  3. Weigh all entrants for the National Classes at Strokestown and enforce the rule that any calves exceeding the set Daily Gains will not be considered for Judging.



Commercial Classes 2018

Council are holding a New Simmental X Heifer Final at Strokestown which will require Heifers to be prequalified. Please see all competition details below:

National Simmental X Breeding Heifer Championship, Strokestown Show on Saturday September 9th 2018

Rules of Qualification:

  1. Age: Heifer must be born on or after September 1st 2016
  2. Weight: Heifer must be between 400 kgs & 650 kgs (both weights included) on the day of the final (September 9th)
  3. Heifers may be Maiden or In-Calf
  4. Two heifers to qualify at each qualifying show but more may qualify if judge wishes to do so
  5. All entries to Show SI or SIX on their NID Card
  6. All entries must have a Simmental sire recorded on the DAFF Database.
  7. All qualifying heifers will be DNA typed at qualifying show and DNA must match their sire to enter final at Strokestown
  8. Simmental X Heifers may only complete in one National Class in a calendar year


Qualifying Shows:        Grange, Cappamore, Clonmany, Virginia & Ossory

  • Qualifying Classes to be held with the Pedigree Simmentals at each of these Shows as there will be a recognised Simmental Judge and a Council Member present to take DNA.

Prize Fund at Strokestown:     1st €250, 2nd €200, 3rd €150 & 4th €100

  • All Heifers that qualify at any of the five listed shows above and attend the Final at Strokestown will also receive €50.

Carrick-on-Shannon Classes – Simmental X Heifer Classes

  • Simmental X In-Calf or Maiden Heifer over 550kgs and born on or after 01/05/2016
  • National Simmental X Yearling Heifer between 451kgs & 550kgs
  • National Simmental X Weanling Heifer between 351kgs & 450kgs
  • National Simmental X Heifer Calf 350 kgs or under.

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